Voices From the Field

ArtPride regularly invites guest writers to share new perspectives on issues related to the arts community and the many ways the creative industries impact New Jersey.

Exploring 'The Universe of Ben Jones'

Casey Mathern, Ben Jones, and Midori Yoshimoto, during the reception of the Universe of Ben Jones exhibition at the William Paterson University Galleries, September 2023. Photo: Andy Liu. Ben Jones in his studio, Jersey City, NJ, February 2023. Photo: Manuel Acevedo. “I dedicate this catalogue to my grandfather Frank Curtis, who was a working-class Black Man born in Charleston, South Carolina, in...

Icon of Advocacy: Ann Marie Miller Shares Her Most Iconic Moments With ArtPride NJ

In a journey that started in 1995, Ann Marie Miller, Former Director of Advocacy & Public Policy, has been a longtime advocate for New Jersey’s arts and culture community. She’s accomplished a multitude of milestones, big and small, throughout her career. We asked her to share some of her most memorable moments with ArtPride New Jersey, as she looks forward to retirement. Retirement…rewirement...

Newark’s Creative Catalyst Fund, a Case Study in Artistic Resilience

Students participating in the “Piano Bus” program led by Keys 2 Success, General Operating Support grantee through the Creative Catalyst Fund (Image courtesy of Keys 2 Success) In the spring of 2020, artists and cultural institutions across the country were unsure of their future. Recognizing that Newark’s artists and cultural organizations are critical to making the city vibrant and healthy...

High School Thespian Dani Biondi Wins DemocracyWorks Competition

NJ Thespians annually holds an essay competition, DemocracyWorks, in partnership with ArtPride New Jersey, in which high school students who are members of the International Thespian Society are invited to write an essay describing the importance of advocating for theatre education and arts education to elected officials. It is also an opportunity for students to convey their personal stories of...

How a New Trend in Public Art is Creating More Opportunities for Artists

When you think about public art, what comes to mind? A statue of Lady Justice balancing her scales in front of a courthouse? A three-story, abstract sculpture by a famous 20th century artist? Often, big names and big, expensive projects. All well and good, but there is another approach to public art – one that is opening doors for more artists from a greater diversity of backgrounds. When Newark...

Newark’s New Harriet Tubman Monument a Model for Community Engagement in Public Art

Photo above: Designer Nina Cooke John and assistant Adebunmi Gbadebo stand with the Harriet Tubman Monument (Photo by Rachel Fawn Alban) The city of Newark, New Jersey unveiled its long-awaited Harriet Tubman monument March 9 with great excitement. Four days of community celebrations and events followed. With visual, audio and tactile components, “Shadow of a Face” is not a statue to view from a...

Healing Through Grief Love

It was Wednesday, November 23, 2016, a windy and sunny day before Thanksgiving. As my father’s oldest daughter of three, I thought it was my responsibility to be the strong one as he passed away from pancreatic cancer. For 6 months after the initial diagnosis, I was at every doctor appointment, chemotherapy session, hospital visit, and reluctantly his last week at home in hospice. I thought I was...

Celebrate Discovery Jersey Arts, National Arts and Humanities Months This October and Prepare to Vote in November

This month is jam packed with cultural events for all to enjoy during Discover Jersey Arts Month. Be sure to check the Fall Guide to help you select the performances and exhibits that will help you celebrate during October and beyond. Governor Murphy again issued the annual proclamation designating October as Discover Jersey Arts Month, a uniquely New Jersey way to celebrate National Arts and...

Celebrating National Arts & Humanities Month: NJ Finalist in National Poster Competition

Photo Description: Colored pencil drawing of an artist's table filled with paint, brushes and paper. In the center are two illustrated cards. One reads, "Fall seven times, stand up eight" — a Japanese proverb. The other reads, "A journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath one's feet" — Lao Tzu. The 2022 National Arts & Humanities Month poster design competition was open to artists for a...

Butterflies Are Fluttering at Arts Ed NJ

No matter how old I get, September always triggers a knot in my stomach. Actually, it’s more like wildly fluttering butterflies. I’ve come to embrace “the feeling” over the years because of something my husband said to our twin daughters whenever they described their version of the feeling: “It just means that something that matters to you is about to happen.” This September, the fluttering is on...