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Recent Job Opportunities

New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)
Mercer CountyTrenton, NJ
Full Time
Posted August 28, 2024
This position is responsible for shaping, overseeing, and marketing the Authority’s Cultural Arts & Facilities Program (CAFÉ) tax credit program to support broad-scale arts and cultural venues in the state of New Jersey. The program was established by the Economic Recovery Act of 2020 as amended by S4011 (P.L. 2023, c.197 to be codified at N.J.S.A. 34:1B-383 to N.J.S.A. 34:1B-393).

The goals of the CAFÉ program include:
Elevating arts and culture as a key sector of the state’s economy;
Attracting visitors to the state and local communities;
Increasing the number of first-rate art and cultural experiences for residents and visitors and
Promoting equitable engagement with the arts for underrepresented groups and underserved communities.

Please note: This is a repost. See the link below.