ArtPride keeps you updated on the issues facing New Jersey's arts community and the actions you can take to support our state's creative industry. Want to stay informed? See the Bill Tracker and sign up below to start receiving Action Alerts by email and we'll let you know how you can help ensure lawmakers and community leaders at the local, state, and federal levels are informed about the impact the arts have on the lives of all New Jerseyans.

Help Protect IMLS from Harmful Cuts

The recent Executive Order issued on March 14 threatens to drastically cut funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the only federal agency dedicated to supporting libraries and museums. These institutions provide essential educational programs, foster innovation, and stimulate local economies. In 2024, IMLS provided $4.9 million in grants to New Jersey alone, benefiting students, seniors, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

We must take action to protect this vital funding. IMLS represents just 0.0046% of the federal budget, yet its impact is immense. Cutting its funding would harm cultural and educational...

Urgent Concern: Federal Spending Freeze Impact on NJ Nonprofits


As a result of fierce cross-sector national, regional, and local advocacy, as of Wednesday, January 29th, the White House Office of Management and Budget rescinded the federal aid freeze.

What We Know:

The rescinding of the freeze means funding and previously awarded grants can move forward. While this is a positive development, we continue to monitor the situation to help ensure stable, long-term support for arts and culture organizations nationwide. Please continue to contact your congressional representatives through this action alert to impress upon them the importance of protecting the federal funding...

Tell Congress to OPPOSE S. 4136

On November 21, 2024, by a vote of 219-184, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 9495, harmful legislation that would empower the U.S. Treasury Secretary to unilaterally deem nonprofits as terrorist-supporting organizations and revoke their tax exemptions with little due process. The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate. 

It is crucial to stay alert and urge our elected officials to stand against this bill. 

S. 4136,  is a proposed bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the tax-exempt status of terrorist supporting organizations. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, there are “deep concerns about...

Tell Governor Murphy and Your Legislators to Maintain the Arts Budget for FY26

According to the recently released Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study for New Jersey, the nonprofit arts and culture sector is a significant industry that generated $532 million in total economic activity during 2022. This spending supported nearly 10,000 jobs, generated more than $432 million in household income for local residents, and delivered $116 million in tax revenues to local, state, and federal governments. The study delivers a resounding message: When government invests in arts and culture, it is investing in an industry that stimulates the economy, supports local jobs, and contributes to building healthy, vibrant, and livable...

Support Funding for the NEA & NEH in FY2025 Appropriations

The 2024 elections are behind us, but our mission remains the same—adequate funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities in Fiscal Year 2025. The NEA and NEH play a unique role in broadening access to and participation in the arts in every congressional district and should be more fully supported to expand and deepen their impact on our communities and our democracy.

We urge you to contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support the Senate’s version of NEA and NEH funding of $209 million. As it appears likely that Congress will continue its FY25 appropriations work into the new year...

Support the Live Theatre Tax Credit Bill (S3503)

The Live Theatre Tax Credit Bill (S3503) aims to augment New Jersey's arts and entertainment industry by incentivizing commercial live entertainment producers to choose our state as a destination for launching pre-Broadway productions and/or national tours, through mutually beneficial partnerships with New Jersey nonprofit theaters. With the recent film tax credit as a percent, the live theatre tax credit will be crucial for enhancing New Jersey's competitiveness with neighboring states, and has the potential to boost New Jersey’s economy by generating jobs, increasing local, regional, and out-of-state tourism, and ensuring that it remains a...