Our Strategic Plan

In the spring of 2023, ArtPride New Jersey engaged Creative Capacity, LLC to facilitate a strategic planning process. Given the significant impact of the pandemic on the arts and culture field, we wanted to assess the field’s changing needs and design our strategy to meet them. Following eight constituent listening sessions, a community survey, an organizational retreat, and creative planning sessions for staff members and Trustees, ArtPride New Jersey is proud to share this adaptive strategic plan that will guide our work from July 2024 through June 2029.

Our Vision for ArtPride New JerseyMan teaching class with laptop that says "let's create together"

ArtPride New Jersey envisions itself as a unifying force for the state’s arts sector, bringing together a wide range of organizations and arts workers. We are committed to demonstrating that prioritizing anti-racism, social justice, and access can create a more equitable arts community. Our membership is diverse, representing the full spectrum of New Jersey’s arts organizations and professionals. By leveraging this diverse constituency, ArtPride New Jersey aims to actively advance the arts across the state. Through our initiatives, we seek to promote inclusivity and collaboration, ensuring that the arts remain a vibrant and integral part of New Jersey's cultural landscape. By fostering unity and advocacy, ArtPride New Jersey works to enhance the impact of the arts on society.

A panel of four people speaking on stageOur Vision for the Arts in New Jersey

Our vision for the arts in New Jersey encompasses a broad appreciation for the role of the arts in enhancing the state’s economic prosperity and community quality of life. We envision diverse, collaborative, and forward-thinking arts leaders who drive innovation and inclusivity. Arts experiences will reflect the state's diversity, ensuring active engagement from across our varied population. New Jersey will boast outstanding and accessible facilities, supported by steady public and private funding, fostering an environment where artists and arts workers can create and thrive. By cultivating a vibrant arts community, we aim to establish New Jersey as a hub for cultural enrichment, where the arts are integral to the state's identity and a catalyst for social and economic progress.

Our Goals

Ann Marie Miller talking in front of a crowdGOAL 1 aims to strengthen our statewide advocacy movement to increase support for the arts.
We intend to achieve this by broadening our advocacy agenda to reflect the diverse needs of New Jersey’s arts sector. This includes encouraging grassroots advocacy from arts professionals and audiences, particularly those from historically excluded communities. We seek policies, legislation, and funding to sustain the arts sector. Cross-sector collaborations with tourism, business, history, healthcare, and community development will generate new support for the arts. Additionally, we aim to secure strong bipartisan support for the arts at all government levels.

GOAL 2 focuses on convening the arts sector to address shared challenges.
We aim to increase collaboration between ArtPride New Jersey and local arts organizations, especially those representing underrepresented communities or art forms. By cultivating a diverse, skilled, and collaborative leadership constituency, we can advance the arts in New Jersey. We promote wider adoption of equity principles to make arts organizations more inclusive and diverse. Furthermore, we will develop more effective, equitable, and sustainable models and practices for the arts.

Woman speaking to another woman in a white roomGOAL 3 aims to connect cultural consumers with arts organizations and experiences.
The outcomes include conducting actionable research to help the arts sector build connections with current and potential audiences and developing a larger, more diverse database of cultural consumers. This database will enable arts organizations to reach more potential audience members and expand their reach. Another outcome is an expanded and more diverse audience for Discover Jersey Arts. Additionally, this goal seeks to increase arts organizations' capacity to engage effectively with their communities.

GOAL 4 focuses on enhancing ArtPride New Jersey's capacity and infrastructure.
This includes achieving stable funding and an effective staff structure, ensuring membership represents the state's arts community, and gaining wider recognition as a trusted information source. ArtPride New Jersey remains committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice, serving as an example of these values.

ArtPride New Jersey's Strategic Plan for FY25-29