Voices From the Field

ArtPride regularly invites guest writers to share new perspectives on issues related to the arts community and the many ways the creative industries impact New Jersey.

A Look at the National Arts Index

Americans for the Arts recently released their National Arts Index. Measuring data from 1998-2008, this report measures “the health and vitality of arts in the United States by using 76 equal weighted, national-level indicators of arts activity.” A report with an index score based on these factors will be released annually moving forward. I participated in an AFTA webinar led by Randy Cohen...

ArtPride NJ Response to Star Ledger Editorial

The Star Ledger's editorial of December 13, 2009 entitled, "Starving N.J. arts: A sad consequence of our budget crisis" is a callous and ill-considered opinion piece that shamelessly panders to an angry public faced with an economic debacle that was decades in the making. Most notably, The Ledger fails to recognize that state funding for the arts comes not from income, sales or property taxes, but...

Information on the State Funding Freeze

As most of you are aware the State funding freeze is a source of major concern for arts organizations (as well as many others.) For more information on the freeze and the effects it may have, please read Peggy McGlone’s article in the Star-Ledger, N.J. Arts Groups Fret as State Freezes $10M in Grants. We will follow up with further resources and information as we receive them. Your comments on...

"Arts allow Alzheimer's patients to live in the moment" --USA Today

By Joe Brier, for USA TODAY Early Alzheimer's patient Bob Blackwell photographs the flowers and wildlife at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Va., Aug. 12. A smile crosses Bob Blackwell's face as he gently lifts his camera to his eye and zooms in on a black-and-yellow swallowtail butterfly hovering near the same flower as a yellow finch. A little while later, Blackwell, 66, rests in the...

Arts Get Whacked by Rich as Companies Face Losses in Endowments

March 4 (Bloomberg) -- Corporations and wealthy individuals are donating less to nonprofits, with arts groups taking the biggest hit, according to two new studies. Of 158 companies polled by the economic-research group the Conference Board in February, 45 percent said they have reduced their 2009 philanthropy budget and 16 percent are considering it. The survey said 35 percent of the companies...

NEW Economic Activity Study

We learned in 2000 that New Jersey's non profit arts community generates over $1.5 billion each year. That comes from direct spending by arts institutions on salary, products and services AND the indirect spending of patrons who attend arts events throughout the State. The average spending of patrons outside of the price of admission to an event is $25.94 per person. And we learned that the arts...

A New Home for ArtPride and More!

Lyceum Hall in Burlington City will be ArtPride NJ's new home by the end of this calendar year. In more than one way, it's an appropriate and fated move. Officially known as Herman T. Costello Lyceum Hall, it's a truly historic building constructed in 1839. It was given to the City of Burlington in 1851 and functioned as City Hall for 140 years. Lyceum Hall was renovated in 1910 and a rear...

NJ budget passed – YOU helped cultural funding get partial restoration

The NJ State Budget is nearing completion. After much debate it was passed yesterday and is awaiting Governor Corzine’s signature. Due to your extraordinary advocacy efforts, (like those of arts advocate extraordinaire, Maris Smith, of the NJ Theatre Alliance, pictured in the photo. Maris carried the message to countless theatre audience members of ALL ages), the FY09 budget contains the following...

Stage is Set for Hard Times

Sunday, February 24, 2008 -- Leaders of New Jersey's theaters, museums, dance troupes and orchestras are bracing for cuts in state aid that will weaken their already unstable financial health. Gov. Jon Corzine has not released specific details of his budget plan, to be unveiled Tuesday in Trenton, but he has said it will include widespread and painful funding decreases in almost all areas. Any...

Find a Way to Fully Fund NJ Arts

For 41 years, arts appropriations have been tied to the Garden State's up and down fiscal affairs. Next year, funding will increase by $2.8 million to $21.5 million. The funds will be distributed among 800 New Jersey arts groups. Last week, the New Jersey State Council of the Arts announced grants. The new funding plan includes increases for the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council...