This is Big

This is Big graphic


• Led advocacy for $145.4M in pandemic relief funding

Secured 99% increase—from $16M to $31.9M—in state funding for the arts

• Hosted 32 webinars providing essential information at key moments in the pandemic

Committed to being an anti-racist organization that uses the power of arts as a means to healing & justice

Promoted 60+ JerseyArts feature stories, podcasts, and video segments to 83,000+ arts & culture patrons

• Created an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice strategic action plan to help us live our values

Grew membership 60%—from 167 to 267 organizations—since March 2020 Launched “The Moments You’ve Been Waiting For”—the largest Discover Jersey Arts campaign in 10+ years, promoting the return of arts events

Provided professional development for hundreds of arts professionals at the Thrive Arts and Creating Change Conferences in 2021 and 2022


With your support, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.


Sign up for our Action Alerts and help us advocate for $70 million in continued recovery support.

Action Alerts

Your support is making a difference. Help us continue our momentum with a donation to ArtPride’s General Fund.

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